Wednesday, August 11, 2010


When I started this program, the only thing I had in mind was to get out of my dead-end job at Borders that I had been working at for about 7 years then and to get the hell out of Ohio, which is an implication of dead-endness in itself.

Tonight was the worst drive home from Kent that I have had to do. I cried the whole time home, not just because I had to say goodbye to Kellie, but for all the people that I have had to say goodbye to for the last two years. I never thought that I would be touched by so many people that breezed through my life, but I start to remember every person who has come into my life and made an impression, no matter how small. This makes me realize that one of the smallest, yet most powerful ways that you can touch a person in their lifetime is to be kind to them, even in the tiniest way: a smile, sharing culture, staying with that person no matter how bad they hurt you or how long it has been since you've seen them. There are so many ways that people have touched me in these last two years. Now that I am leaving, I am infinitely sad to have had to say goodbye to my friends.

I thought of making a list of everyone, but it would be too long. So, I think that you all know who you are: Kent friends, Borders friends, and my relatives. I miss those of you who have gone and already miss those of you who I will have to leave behind.

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